pro·file - Pronunciation[proh-fahyl]
a history, description, or analysis of yourself or something.
I'm just a 17 years old girl who live somewhere in Malaysia. I'm not pretty or beautiful. I write what I feel. If you don't like it, sorry cause I don't have time to care about what you like. I'm a big big fan of 5sos and INFINITE. I do header, lockscreens (tumblr) and stuff, if you want to use it, please inform me in the chatbox or shoutbox, or whatever you call it and you can message me on tumblr. But if don't like it, please don't comment something bad, just get out. I love music. Just an ordinary girl. You will never be alone.
So here's my name and my contacts
It is all about me.
my name is nadiah sharif but you can call me nad.
Saturday, 24 September 2011, 03:12
hri umah aq adew wat open house...seminggu sbelom open house aqlh org pertme yg pling happy skali sbb aq klo bleh nk ajk sume org yg ku mule2 aq ajk lh sume org yg rapat ngan aq...pas2 bru jemput bebudak laen...bile tibe jer hri yg d tunggu2 iaitu OPEN lg adew lh 3 budk nie dhlh rpt ngan aq pas2 x dtg...hish sbr jer adew jemput gk bebudak skolh SMK SERI TASIK 3 org jer dtg open dieorg nie dtg lmbat btol bepeloh aq tunggu dieorg smpai aq dh mkn 2 kali arhh dieorg x sesampai lg aq bengang giler sbr jerlh hnye tuhan jer nasib dieorg dtg dlm kol 3 lebih arh pas2 kteorg borak2 sume smpai kol ntah aq pon x ingat sgt...pas2 aq gi arhhh lepak kt umh kwn aq yg kebetuln wat open house mmg sonok nk wat cmne mne tau thn dpn aq msk asrama ker so thn nie lh aq kene habes kn zmn knk2 aq...k bye.....