Hello what's up guys. It's nad. And today, I'm back with a new update. Omg I'm so sorry for not updating last week. If you read my last update, you'll know why I didn't update last week. I don't wanna tell you, just read my last update. Kidding. Of course I'm gonna tell you anyway. Actually, I'm at my hometown last week to visit my brother who now a teacher before he get real job. Then, to visit my little brother who currently goes to boarding school. Last but not least, I just got my new glasses. Wohoo!!
Anyway, as you can see from the tittle. Last week and this week are the worst weeks ever. Because last week, I went to my hometown. Let me tell you something. My hometown is not like yours. Definition of my hometown is hell. My hometown is like a hell to me obviously. I freaking hate my hometown. And sorry I'm not gonna tell you why. It is a secret.
Not much happen this week. Just my low back hurt. It hurts freaking much. It's hard for to stand or walk for to long. And all I can do is laying. I can't seat for too long cause it will hurt.
The conclusion is, last week is a disaster and this week more like hurting myself. I wish tomorrow will get better.
Yeah I guess that's all the important events that happened to me this this week and last week. Yeah that's pretty much it. And I will see you guys next week. I'm gonna sleep now bye.