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Rain and Wave
status: Onece a pon a time, there was a girl how lived in side a big big cave. It was too dark and you coldent see. It was smalla than a bug. and it blowd up. (If you one of 5sosfam, you'll see what I did there) Quotes: "keep smiling, beautiful. It will get better" - Ashton Irwin -
New name for my blog?
Friday 17 October 2014, 06:36

Hello! Entah tetiba rasa macam nak tukar nama blog. Cause nama "muffinjack" ni macam tak specific. So nak tukar jadi nama sendiri "nurulnadiah.blogspot.com" entahlah okay ke tak. But for me rasa macam kelakar sikit. So how about "ndhshrf" or maybe "ThatSoNad" hahahaha. 

And guess what. I think i'm gonna choose "ThatSonad.blogspot.com" rasa macam cool sangat. Hahahahahahaha. Idk

Layout: fallingcloudberries. (portfolio | blog )
Others: Scans Icons DD