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Rain and Wave
status: Onece a pon a time, there was a girl how lived in side a big big cave. It was too dark and you coldent see. It was smalla than a bug. and it blowd up. (If you one of 5sosfam, you'll see what I did there) Quotes: "keep smiling, beautiful. It will get better" - Ashton Irwin -
Blogskin : Over The Top
Friday 31 January 2014, 02:15
Hello there. New template again :) Actually, nad tak tau nak buat apa. Memang boring sangat. So rasa macam nak buat template lagi. Tapi kali ni untuk Infinite. Memang rindu gila dengan Infinite. Rindu zaman kegemilangan sebagai seorang inspirit dulu. Cewaaahhhh. Tapi nak buat macam mana, sekarang nad sorang mahomie. Part time inspirit. Hahahahhaha. Lewls



Gambar bawah ni contoh template yang nad buat tu :)

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Lawa tak? Kalau tak, sorry nad bukannya pro gileww nak buat template. Biasa biasa sahaja :)

Tapi kalau korang rasa lawa and nak guna template ni >>Click Here<<

Layout: fallingcloudberries. (portfolio | blog )
Others: Scans Icons DD